JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch)

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What is JobMatch™?
How is JobMatch™ Calculated?
How and When Are Invitations to Jobs Sent?
Can I Buy a Higher JobMatch™ Score?
Why Did I Match a Certain Percentage to a Job?
How Can I Make My JobMatch™ Score 100%?

What Is JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch)?

JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch)  is our proprietary matching algorithm that matches clients with the most qualified talent for their job and matches talent with the jobs best-suited to their skills. 

How Is JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch) Calculated?

JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch) is calculated by summing up how well your profile and demos/portfolio samples match a client’s job posting. The fields a client fills out on a job posting correlate to fields you've filled out on your profile and demos/portfolio samples, leading to accurate matches between the two. The maximum possible JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch) score is 100%. 

Quick Tip: Demos (voice over) and Portfolio Samples (audio production, music, and translation) are what you upload to your profile to showcase your work. 

The more filled out your profile and demos/portfolio sample information, the better matched jobs you’ll see. The higher your JobMatch™(formerly VoiceMatch) score is for a job, the better matched you are to that job. To improve your scores, ensure you have a complete profile and well-tagged demos and portfolio samples. For more information visit this blog post on profiles and this FAQ

How and When Are Invitations to Jobs Sent?

You’ll find jobs you’re matched to on your Hiring page. Easily navigate to your jobs through your MyHome or by selecting Jobs > Hiring. If you have email notifications for job invitations turned on, you’ll also see email notifications in your personal email inbox.

Job invitation notifications are generated, queued, and sent to all matched talent a few seconds after a job is approved. You'll be able to see your JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch) score in the subject line of these emails.

To ensure your notifications are not delayed or redirected as spam, try adding "[email protected]" to your Contacts or Safe Sender list. For more information on responding to jobs, check out this FAQ.

Can I Buy a Higher JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch) Score?   

No. No one can buy a higher JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch) score; it's the only way for the score to have meaning. JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch) is determined by matching the specifications of the job posting and the details of your profile and demos/portfolio samples.

Why Did I Match a Certain Percentage to a Job?

Your JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch) score is based on the criteria the client requested in the job posting and what you filled out on your profile and your demos/portfolio samples.

Accurate job matches mean more accurate bookings for you because you’re seeing jobs that your unique skills can fulfill. That’s why it’s important to be true and realistic when describing your skills and tagging your demos/portfolio samples.

Quick Tip: Since your JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch) score is a reflection of how well your unique skills match a job it's wise to prioritize responding based on highest JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch) scores first. Most talent start with private invitations (which will also have a JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch) score attached), and then move to public invitations.

How Can I Make My JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch) 100%?

The best way to achieve high JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch)scores is to have a complete profile and fully tagged demos and portfolio samples. This means you’ve filled out all your profile fields and you’ve added all relevant tags to your demos and portfolio samples. 

You also want to have at least one demo/portfolio sample per skill, but more are certainly encouraged. 

Example: If you add Audio Production as a service to your profile, and then you add Podcast Editing, Audio Mixing, and Post Production as your skills, you want to upload a portfolio sample for Podcast Editing, Audio Mixing, and Post Production with all accompanying tags fully filled out.

Quick Tip: Your MyHome will tell you if you’re missing any information on your profile and portfolio samples. Be sure to address all the requested information for your best possible JobMatch™ (formerly VoiceMatch) scores.


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Article Number
First Published
07/23/2021 13:34
Last Modified
07/23/2021 13:36
All (Talent)
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