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Profile photo for Laura Vandiver

Laura Vandiver

New York City, New York

College Orientation - Believable - Casual - Friendly - Informative - Reassuring - Student - Teacher

Voice Over Elearning + 15 More
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Profile photo for BJ Shaffer

BJ Shaffer

Los Angeles, California

Character: Young Boy

Voice Over Animation + 20 More
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Profile photo for Michella Moss

Michella Moss

Vancouver, British Columbia

Harry Potter, audio book, Shy Irish student, English student, Authoritative British Professor, Bossy British Girl,

Voice Over Audiobooks + 20 More
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Profile photo for Emily Gubler

Emily Gubler

St. George, Utah

Job hunting

Voice Over Video Narration + 17 More
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Profile photo for Jed Williams

Jed Williams

Pasadena, California

Testimonial - Natural , Genuine , Honest , Truthful , Spokesperson

Voice Over Radio Ad + 20 More
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Profile photo for Richelle Marquardt

Richelle Marquardt

Los Angeles, California

Female Radio - Genuine, Warm, Friendly, Real Person, Conversational

Voice Over Radio Ad + 19 More
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Student Voices

The student is a character who is subject to a teacher in some form of educational setting, usually one enrolled in an educational institution. The student character can be of any age, though students are most commonly within the age range of preschooler to young adult. The student character is often motivated to learn, intellectual in nature and engaged with his or her school community. The student character can range in age from elementary and secondary school ages, which are referred to as “pupils” in many countries, to undergraduate and graduate students in university, college or other post-secondary academic institutions.

The student character, especially when playing a lead role in a movie or television show, generally has a well rounded character and broad set of interests. Student characters experience myriad emotions, ranging from excitement and happiness when interacting with friends and partaking in extracurriculars, to feeling stressed during exam season or feeling dejected when performing poorly in a class. The student character may be less engaged and see school as compulsory if he or she is a pupil, or be more engaged and motivated to do well if the student is enrolled in a specific post-secondary program, with a passion for the subject.

Student characters have many different tones and interactions they express toward others at school. A student character is likely to be laid back, happy and perhaps even boisterous with his or her friends. A student character usually addresses a teacher or professor in a way that expresses respect; or in the case of younger student characters, talk to the teacher in a friendly, more informal manner. When a student character is in conflict with other students or the school administration, he or she may have a dismissive, hostile tone; showing little respect for others. When a student character is studying for an exam, presenting a project or debating an idea with his or her peers, he or she usually has a focused, perhaps stressed or anxious tone; especially when uncertain in his or her understanding of the topic at hand.

The student character can be seen most frequently in movies and television shows directed at teenagers and young adults in high school and college or university settings. Other settings in which student characters may appear are children’s shows, science fiction movies or television shows and documentaries, with interviews of students in higher education settings. By adopting a studious attitude, adjusting your voice for the setting and personality your student character is written for, and observing student characters in the media, you can achieve an A+ student voice!